VS Finance


Private Equity has become a buzzword now. Every project or business plan needs a judicious mixture of loan and equity for the business to be viable and successful. However many a times it is a constraint of the promoter that you do not have adequate capital to put in the required equity capital. At the same time if you do not put in enough equity your debt cannot be raised as the debt equity ratio becomes unacceptable, as also the debt servicing capacity of the project might not be adequate. At this point certain players including Private Equity Funds & Venture Capital Funds come into picture and take part of the equity of the project so that the balance financial closures can be made.
We can arrange for the most aggressive deals in Private Equity Sphere with the maximum possible valuation and least possible discounting. We also arrange for private equity deals as small as US$ 2.00 mn, which is very difficult to arrange normally as every one want to do the big deal.


To plan a project, to place equity or to go for an IPO, in all case one first needs to find what is the value of the equity going to be under various scenarios. Every intending investor would also do his valuation exercise before taking a call on investing in your company. You must have a clear idea about what valuations your equity can fetch before entering into any negotiation with the intending investors. We have ability to do a proper valuation exercise, so that you have a proper idea about the expected valuations before you enter into negotiations with any prospective investor, so that it is not a futile exercise.
The valuation is done in a proper and acceptable system so that all prospective investors can look into the report and understand the basis of valuation.


As a promoter you have your dreams and you have the vision, but often it is difficult to implement the vision and convert your dreams into realities because you do not have adequate resources/manpower/experience/contacts to do the same. So despite having the ability and the vision, the dreams fail.
We help promoters to transform their dreams into realities. We understand their vision and put in place a proper flow chart and schedules taking care that all regulatory and lending formalities/approvals/norms. We have adequate contacts in all the allied activities that are required to implement a project of any magnitude and take care of advising the promoters so that they do not falter at any step.
Any project of any size requires a consultant and we are here to provide the same.


At times due to numbers of years of sustained growth, you as the promoter are too busy in the production or marketing activity and have not put in your brains and efforts to properly structure the various companies in your group. This often results in some company being over leveraged, some being under capitalised and some not being able to take advantage of their capital due to various constraints.
We undertake corporate restructuring, whereby we use various tools like mergers, demergers, hive offs, recapitalisation, look at the group and decide where extra synergies can be generated all leading to enhanced shareholder value.


Often you as a promoter, have a cherished dream that you want to go public. However you are a operations or a marketing person and are not too sure how to go about it. You need someone to guide though the process so that you get the optimum valuation for your company and do so in the proper letter and spirit of law.
We have extensive contacts and recourses to take you through the IPO route. We can help you decide the right investment banker and negotiates the best terms from them, ensure that they fulfil their contracts and ensure that you get the best deal possible.


Often the bankers might want a rating report on your company/organisation. Many a times there are special schemes or incentives available if you have a proper rating. At times even bankers give a reduced lending rates to a client having a good rating. But rating is a cumbersome and difficult exercise and many a times a promoter tend to loose his patience with the whole exercise because oif the drain that it is on his manpower and time.
We have extensive contacts and recourses to take you through the Rating mechanism. We can help you decide the right agency and negotiates the best terms from them, ensure that their queries are properly satisfied and endeavour to get you the best rating possible.


Insurance is a necessary part of the business. Often we do not have time to look after the insurance personally as we are busy in our production and marketing activities. Now with the de-tarrification of insurance premiums, the negotiations with the insurance companies to get the lowest rates are offered to you. This could result in major cost savings and also attractive products which are in their nascent stage and not everybody in the industry would have the knowledge of the same.
We have corporate agency with all the life and general insurers and help corporate get the best possible deals and the lowest rates. We also have claim specialist on our rolls so that any claims can be settled fast and proper.


Corporate treasury management has become an independent profit centre in itself. Often there are times when a corporate has spare surplus funds available for a short to medium term, which could be as low as 1 day to as high as a few years. A judicious corporate would try to extract the maximum possible return from this surplus, so that hey can have healthier bottom-line.
We help corporate in planning their cash flow to predict the future surplus and also plan the best deployment of the same to maximise yields.


Debt has a fixed dates at which interest has to be paid and interest has to be repaid. Sometimes due to factors beyond our control the cash flows do not turn out to be adequate to cover the same. This leads to rise in the cost of debt as the element of penal interest starts kicking in. often under these circumstances we cannot take the advantage of the movement in the interest rates as the bankers do not allow the same, while there are unpaid dues. Many a times such pending debt is one of the biggest reasons for the sickness of units.
We help corporate avoid such scenario, by restructuring their debt due to institutions, so that the unit can turn around and everybody can have peaceful sleep. We can arrange for waivers, reduction on the rate, principal & interest write offs, deferrement of instalments, all resulting in lower interest outgo so that the company can turn around.


Inorganic growth has become one of the most important sources of growth in today's business world. You see more & more companies going the merger and acquisition route both as an acquirer as well as the target.
Weather you want to buy or sell, you must need a good counterparty who fulfils all the terms of the contract and where synergies clearly exists, otherwise this exercise would not have the desired benefits.
We can help you select the right target or buyer and help in negotiations so that it is a win deal for all concerned.


Selling on credit is an integral part of any business. You have to offer credit terms to your customers. In fact at times even monopolies have to offer some credit terms. The moment you give credit you run the risk of default and the creditor not paying up. At times these defaults can even break the back of the corporate.
We can arrange for credit protection products so that you can safeguard yourself against any possible default of your buyer and thus concentrate on expanding your business.