VS Finance

Borrowing Entity
  • Brief profile of the Company
  • Financials, ITR, Computation & Tax Audit Report of last 3 years of the company
  • The current performance of the company from 01/04/2013 till date (Sales Figure)
  • Memorandum & Article of Association/ Partnership Deed
  • Last Filed Annual Report with ROC
  • Projected fund based and non fund based requirement for FY 2013-14
  • Sanction letter of all loans (WC/TL/Auto/Mortgage/PL/Others)
  • Last 12 months bank statement of all accounts
  • Last 4 quarters VAT Return
  • List of top 5 customers, contact details with sales breakup and vintage
  • List of top 5 suppliers, contact details with purchase breakup and vintage
  • Total value of Firm Contracts in hand and copy of order
  • PAN Card + Trade License (Last 3yrs + 1st) + Service Tax & Vat Registration + IEC
  • Any utility bill (Telephone/Electricity)
  • Any Achievements/Awards/Brochures
  • Copy of Franchisee Agreements
  • Complete E-Filing Set for AY 2013-14
  • Party wise breakup of debtors & creditors for last 2 years
  • List of shareholders & directors as on date
  • Group Profile
  • Last Financials + ITR + Computation + Tax Audit Report of all Companies
  • Sanction letter of all Loans in any Group Company
  • Any Achievements/Awards received by any group company & Brochures
PROMOTERS - All Directors/Partners/Proprietor as the case may be
  • Bio Data
  • Last 2 years ITR + Computation + Financials
  • Sanction letter of all loans
  • Last 12 months bank statement
  • PAN + Photo identity + Address Proof
  • Proof of property ownership
  • Any Achievements/Awards
  • 2 photographs
Security / Property
  • Deed
  • Land Department/Corporation Tax Bills
  • Sanction Plan
  • Approximate Market Value Estimates
  • Search Report & Valuation Report (If available)
Term Loan
  • Project Report
  • Quotations
  • Registration Certificates, Clearances & all relevant approvals/applications